What is the ketogenic diet?

Keto Diet For Weight Loss

Keto Diet For Weight Loss Popularly known as keto, the diet is a very low-carbohydrate, high-fat eating plan that offers extensive physical and mental health benefits.

What is the ketogenic diet?

More than 50 studies show that following them contributes to effective fat burning and a better overall quality of life. It is also estimated to counteract diabetes, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and cancer, among others. We analyze what it is made of, what foods are allowed and how effective it is.

It is no news that for at least 3 years it has been a trend in the consideration of many people who pursue low-carb habits and use them for weight loss, has gained prominence among athletes for its nutritional and performance virtues and among nutritionists.

Keto Diet For Weight Loss is nothing new, formulated in 1921 by endocrinologist Henry Geyelin as part of a treatment for epilepsy called "ketosis" and ketones broken down in this way replace sugar and become an alternative source.

It should be noted at this point that this is not a diet recommended for everyone or to be followed over time, let alone continued without monitoring and medical evaluation of each individual condition.

 At Integrative Health, we tell you the details of Keto Diet For Weight Loss

After consuming carbohydrates, your blood increases glucose, the number one sugar, to provide energy to your cells. If these are not absorbed for a long time, glucose is depleted and the liver begins to convert accumulated fat into W molecules in order to function.

Hence, the word keto originates in this plan by allowing the body to make fuel molecules from a diet with low consumption of carbohydrates, moderate protein, and more fat. The way to create a metabolic core called ketosis, in which the liver makes compounds by converting its own fat and ingested fat into energy.

When done optimally and diet changes, the body changes its intake in order to continuously perform its functions, burning fat, even and more than ever stored fat, resulting in weight loss.

This happens because the muscles try to use reserves to supply themselves with energy when they cannot find the glucose they need, i.

What is the keto diet and how does it work?

They are indicated for those looking to lose weight with keto, but it also has great clinical benefits such as getting much more energy and focus from regular activities without suffering from the sugar spikes that come with eating carbohydrates.

Some of the compelling reasons doctors often consider it to be used to treat various diseases.

So much so that a conclusive study in the Medical Research Journal found that keto diets as the standard therapy for treating diabetes should be the target of widespread attention. There is evidence of cancer cases though. Cancer cells eat more glucose; Cannot metabolize ketones. This explains how a ketogenic alternative could cause these cells to die, as it's a great addition to radiation and chemo.

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Scientific data shows that a ketogenic diet works for 3 clear reasons:

1. The body has to turn to its fat in order to gain energy. And it is in glucose that it finds its greatest ketosis. This expenditure of energy enables greater weight loss.

2. By eliminating the high intake of carbohydrates, these are not stored. That way they don't get fat. The greatest obesity present is due to the excess from not engaging in activities that burn them off.

3. The feeling of satiety increases and the appetite decreases. By consuming more protein and fat, the feeling of satiety is kept in check for more hours.

In order to achieve a state of complete ketosis, the most important thing is to avoid high intake of complex and simple carbohydrates. The ideal is to keep this intake below 50 grams per day. In this way, the daily balanced calorie intake flips around:

- Not more than 75% fat

- Up to 30% protein

- Less than 10% carbohydrates


What is the ketogenic diet and how does it work?

Ketogenic Diet, What To Eat?

The various foods that can be enjoyed in this plan include:

Whole and aged cheese

Fish and shellfish, plus the blue ones

Vegetable oils such as olive and sunflower oils

Eggs with yolk

Meat of all kinds



Cocoa and chocolate

Whole milk and creams

Various nuts and seeds


Avoid foods high in carbohydrates, high in sugar and starch, such as potatoes, bread and white rice. The ultra-processed like snacks, canned foods, refined foods, candies and sugary juices. And those with little fat like light cheese, margarine or creams that don't have enough protein.

In short, a ketogenic diet helps modify deeply ingrained metabolic disorders and control various diseases due to poor diet. Keto Diet For Weight Loss

Performing this millennial regimen with our experts is the most effective option to achieve sustained weight loss over time and improve the patient's quality of life. A relearning the importance of taking care of ourselves from within in order to balance health and emotions and thereby feeling more energetic and healthier, even preventing forward.

Read More related : health benefits


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